Customize your Terminal prompt with Powerline
This article is inspired by the medium article titled “How to Jazz Up Your Bash Terminal — A Step By Step Guide With Pictures”. In my article, however, I will do the same thing with Python 3.
Step 1: Install Powerline
1.1: Install Python 3 via Homebrew
Run the command below to install the latest version of Python3.
brew install python3
1.2: Install pip
pip is a package manager for Python which is similar to “npm” for Node.js.
sudo easy_install pip
1.3: Install Xcode Developer CLI tools
Powerline uses XCode Developer CLI tools to manipulate OSX systems. Install Xcode with the code below.
Note: If you already have Xcode installed, you can skip this.
xcode-select —-install
1.4: Install Powerline
Finally, install Powerline.
pip install --user powerline-status
Step 2: Configure Powerline
2.1 Add the Powerline daemon to bash
Open your terminal with the following line. Make sure that you have .bash_profile
in your root directory. If you don’t have it, just create one using cd ~ && touch ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
Then, add the configuration as below.
Note: You can find the location of your powerline-status with the pip3 show powerline-status
# Powerline
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Library/Python/3.6/bin
powerline-daemon -q
. /Users/yourUserName/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages/powerline/bindings/bash/
Step 3: Install Powerline fonts
In order to install Powerline fonts, go to and follow the instruction. For me, the code below worked.
# clone
git clone --depth=1# install
cd fonts
./ clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
Step 4: Install Customized Theme for Terminal
Just to make your Terminal look better, let’s install the cool theme called “Iceberg”.
4.1 Download the theme
Go to to download the zip file. When you open the zip file, you should see Iceberg.terminal
4.2 Import Iceberg in your Terminal
Open up your terminal and go to Terminal > Preferences > Profiles. At the bottom of the left sidebar, there is a gear icon. Click the icon and go to Import, then select the theme you just downloaded(Iceberg.terminal).
This will create the new profile. Since you just imported the theme, colors are already set. Just change the font from the default font to Powerline font downloaded in the previous step. You can use any fonts that say “for Powerline”. (I’m personally using “Source Pro for Powerline”.)
Step 6: Add Git Information to Your Prompt
At this point, your Terminal should have working Powerline (restart your Terminal if you want to check). However, it’s more convenient if you can see Git information on your prompt. You can achieve this functionality using “Powerline Gitstatus”.
Go to and follow the instruction. You just need a few steps.
6.1 Install powerline-gitstatus
pip install powerline-gitstatus
6.2 Configuration
Add the configuration for color schemes in your default.json. The location of your default.json depends on your machine. Try:
vim ${replace-with-your-powerline-installation-derectory}/powerline/config_files/colorschemes/default.json
vim .config/powerline/colorschemes/default.json
Opening up you default.json, add the code below.
"groups": {
"gitstatus": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_branch": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_branch_clean": { "fg": "green", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_branch_dirty": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_branch_detached": { "fg": "mediumpurple", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_tag": { "fg": "darkcyan", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_behind": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_ahead": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_staged": { "fg": "green", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_unmerged": { "fg": "brightred", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_changed": { "fg": "mediumorange", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_untracked": { "fg": "brightestorange", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus_stashed": { "fg": "darkblue", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
"gitstatus:divider": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] }
Then, add the configuration in your default.json to activate Gitstatus segment. Same as the location of the default.json to configure color schemes, the location of your default.json depends on your machine.
vim ${replace-with-your-powerline-installation-derectory}/powerline/config_files/themes/shell/default.json
vim .config/powerline/themes/shell/default.json
Then, add the following code.
Note: This code should be added to the left block.
"function": "powerline_gitstatus.gitstatus",
"priority": 40
That’s everything! Enjoy coding with your new Terminal!
How to Jazz Up Your Bash Terminal — A Step By Step Guide With Pictures:
How to install Powerline to pimp your BASH prompt (For Mac):
Powerline Gitstatus: