(React Native) Setting Up React Native Project with TypeScript and Redux
I write this article for the sake of the remainder about what I need to include when I create a React Native project with TypeScript and Redux.
Make sure you already have everything you need to use React Native such as ‘watchman’, ‘react-native-cli’, etc.
1. Add TypeScript stuff
// Add typescript to devDependencies
yarn add -D typescript// Add react-native-typescript-transformer to build the project's TypeScript files as part of the bundling proces
yarn add -D react-native-typescript-transformer// init typescript
yarn tsc --init --pretty --jsx react// Add types
yarn add -D @types/react @types/react-native// Rename App.js to App.tsx
// This step is optional since you can just delete App.js and make your new App.tsx in the directory you want
mv App.js App.tsx// Add linting stuff
yarn add -D tslint tslint-config-prettier tslint-config-standard tslint-react prettier
2. Add rules to tslint.js from Terminal
Note: You can modify the rules later.
echo "{
\"defaultSeverity\": "\error\",
\"extends\": [
\"jsRules\": {},
\"rules\": {
\"ordered-imports\": false,
\"object-literal-sort-keys\": false,
\"member-ordering\": false,
\"jsx-no-lambda\": false,
\"jsx-boolean-value\": false,
\"member-access\": [true, "no-public"],
\"no-console\": false,
\"no-empty-interface\": false,
\"interface-name\": [false, \"always-prefix\"]
\"rulesDirectory\": []
}" >> tslint.json
3. Add rules to prettierrc from Terminal
Note: You can modify the rules later.
echo "{
\"semi\": false,
\"singleQuote\": true,
\"trailingComma\": \"es5\"
}" >> .prettierrc
3. Add Redux stuff
yarn add -D redux react-redux @types/react-redux
An optional way to add all the stuff at once
You can wrap all the steps up into a single ‘.sh’ file as below. When you go for this way, just create a ‘.sh’ file and run the script in the directory you want to create your React Native project.
// react-native.sh
// You can name this file whatever you want.
// $1 would be replaced with the project name when you run the script.react-native init $1
cd $1
yarn add -D typescript
yarn add -D react-native-typescript-transformer
yarn tsc --init --pretty --jsx react
yarn add -D @types/react @types/react-native
mv App.js App.tsx
yarn add -D tslint tslint-config-prettier tslint-config-standard tslint-react prettier
echo "{
\"defaultSeverity\": "\error\",
\"extends\": [
\"jsRules\": {},
\"rules\": {
\"ordered-imports\": false,
\"object-literal-sort-keys\": false,
\"member-ordering\": false,
\"jsx-no-lambda\": false,
\"jsx-boolean-value\": false,
\"member-access\": [true, "no-public"],
\"no-console\": false,
\"no-empty-interface\": false,
\"interface-name\": [false, \"always-prefix\"]
\"rulesDirectory\": []
}" >> tslint.json
echo "{
\"semi\": false,
\"singleQuote\": true,
\"trailingComma\": \"es5\"
}" >> .prettierrc
yarn add -D redux react-redux @types/react-redux
After creating the ‘.sh’ file, run the script.
. react-native.sh NewReactNativeProjectName
That’s everything. If you have a better way, please let me know!
Using TypeScript with React Native: